Changed URL to use Box with Zotero

For my scientific writing I’m using Zotero to keep track of the bibliographical data of everything I read and of all the references in my own documents. I suppose everybody does that. Or at least I hope so – for your own best! If you don’t, you should start. And if you’re using commercial packages like EndNote to do that you should consider changing to Zotero and doing something useful with the money you save. Seriously.

Anyways, I had been using the cloud storage service to store the liked documents (mostly PDF files) cataloged in my Zotero database from early 2011 and hadn’t touched my Zotero configuration since then. This setup had been working flawlessly for almost three years now. It was only today that I noticed that tiny red exclamation mark in the upper right corner of the Zotero interface, which informed me that something with my synchronization wasn’t working anymore.

Zotero ran into a WebDAV file sync error

Zotero ran into a WebDAV file sync error

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Upcoming Event: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG)

Readers of my blog know that I have been attending the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG) for the past two years. While these meetings took place in some of the largest and most international cities in the USA (New York in 2012 and Los Angeles in 2013), the AAG decided to hold the 2014 meeting in Tampa, FL. There’s nothing wrong with this – I love Florida and it should be nice and warm there in early April – but I can’t help but be a little afraid that the city will be more or less overrun by geographers over the course of the conference week. Also, there seem to be mostly two types of accommodation in Tampa: either luxury hotels that break my budget (even at the “discounted conference rate” of USD 199 per night in select hotels) or shady motels far away from the conference venue…

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Setting up QGIS 2 on MacOS X 10.9 Mavericks

[UPDATE: Find informations about installing QGIS 2.4 in this newer article.]

After a hardware failure on my MacBook Pro’s hard disk in the end of last year (replaced for free within half a day at the Apple Store, thanks to my Apple Care Protection Plan) and an extended christmas and new year holiday I’m currently being struck down by a nasty cold and hence decided I have some spare time on my hands to give the latest Mac OS X version 10.9 “Mavericks” a try. It had been released in October, but I had been too busy to play around with it, so far. Obviously I’m not going to screw up my main production machine, the iMac, but instead designated my old, trusted MacBook Pro to be the guinea-pig.

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