From May 19th to 24th the Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU, 日本地球惑星科学連合) will be holding their annual meeting at Makuhari Messe near Tokyo. Just like in the past two years I will also be attending and presenting there. This year I will speak in session H-TT09 “GIS”, starting from 14:15 on Monday, May 20th. There will also be presentations by other members of my lab:
Month / May 2013
“Alles neu macht der Mai”…
… is a famous saying in Germany (where I’m from – in case you didn’t know). In English it’s “May gives birth to the fruits of April’s wet labor”, which sounds even nicer. The reason I’m writing this is that I decided to make some changes to this website. Oh, and because it’s May…
The first change is quite obvious, since I modified the layout of the site completely. The second change might be more subtle, as it’s about the contents of the site. Both are closely connected, as I will briefly explain below.