Let me tableau this for you…

Just like “to google” has become habitual language use since Google as a search engine became available, we see more and more people using Tableau in a similar manner: “to tableau” as a synonym for “to visualize data”.

to tableau

to tableau

While, admittedly, this doesn’t translate well into my day-to-day locale of German it sparked an idea.

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The Times They Are a-Changin’

Back in November I had big plans to use my supposedly growing spare time to write here on my website, but life has told me otherwise. The past five months have been anything but relaxing, even though I postponed the finishing-up of my PhD thesis for that long. The time was filled by extending the research of my thesis by two completely new topics, by working on two publications and by actively participating in three international conferences.

Here’s a quick run-down, since I didn’t even announce the conferences as I normally do:


  • I successfully submitted a paper to Transactions in GIS, one of the major GIS journals out there:

    Greger, K. (forthcoming). Spatio-Temporal Building Population Estimation for Highly Urbanized Areas Using GIS. Transactions in GIS. Link

    I don’t know yet, when it will be printed, but it’s available as an online early view. I will write a lot more about this in the near future.

  • A concept paper about a research project we recently started at my lab was published in a Japanese publication – the article itself is in English, though:

    Greger, K.; Murayama, Y. (2014). Collection Methods for Spatio-Temporal Personal Movement Data. 平成25年度多目的統計データバンク年報 (Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank) Vol.91, 63-83. PDF

  • Also, while it didn’t originate during said timeframe, a book chapter which I co-authored has been published in the meantime:

    Kubo, T.; Yamamoto, T.; Mashita, M.; Hashimoto, M.; Greger, K.; Waldichuk, T.; Matsui, K. (2013). The Relationship Between Community Support and Resident Behavior After the Tohoku Pacific Earthquake: The Case of Hitachi City in Ibaraki Prefecture. In: Neef, A.; Shaw, R. (Eds.) Risks and Conflicts: Local Responses to Natural Disasters. Is: Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management Vol. 14, 11-42. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Link


  • In November I presented my bicycle commuting research project at the University of Tokyo CSIS Days 2013:

    Greger, K.; Murayama, Y. (2013). Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Bicycle Commuting Behavior in the Greater Tokyo Area Using a Micro-Scale Persontrip Database. 2013年全国共同利用研究発表大会 (Proceedings of the Session of Inter-University Research Activities in Japan “CSIS Days 2013”). Abstract, Poster

  • At the same conference another paper which I co-authored was presented:

    Murayama, Y.; Lwin, K.; Greger, K.; Estoque, R.; Kubo, T. (2013). 位置情報付きのビックデータ(パーソントリップ調査)をWeb-GISでハンドリングする (Handling Big Data with Locational Information (from a Persontrip Survey) using Web-GIS.) Presented at the Session of Inter-University Research Activities in Japan “CSIS Days 2013” on Nov 22. Kashiwa, Japan. (Japanese) Abstract

  • I mentioned in a brief announcement that I would also join the 2014 Annual Meeting of the AAG:

    Greger, K.; Murayama Y. (2014). Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Bicycle Commuting Behavior in the Greater Tokyo Area Using a Micro-Scale Persontrip Database. Presented at the 2014 Association of American Geographers’ Annual Meeting on Apr 9. Tampa, FL. Abstract

  • One week ago I presented the bicycle project at the 2014 Meeting of the Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU):

    Greger, K.; Murayama Y. (2014). Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Bicycle Commuting Behavior in the Greater Tokyo Area Using a Micro-Scale Persontrip Database. Presented at the 2014 Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU, 日本地球惑星科学連合) Meeting on April 28. Yokohama, Japan. Abstract

  • Lastly, another paper which I co-authored was presented at the JpGU Meeting:

    Murayama, Y.; Lwin, K.; Greger, K.; Estoque, R.; Kubo, T. (2014). 非集計パーソントリップデータをWeb-GISでハンドリングする(Handling Non-Aggregated Person Trip Data with Web-GIS.) Presented at the 2014 Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU, 日本地球惑星科学連合) Meeting on April 28. Yokohama, Japan. (Japanese) Abstract

That’s all nice and fine, but the most important thing is was the work on my PhD thesis. I’m very proud to be able to announce hereby that the work is done! In addition I also successfully defended the dissertation in late April. Now all that’s left for me to do is to present the thesis contents one final time to a public audience (this will happen on May 9, 2014 – but, I don’t know the details yet) and make the thesis itself ready for press.

I’m aware that this sounds like a copy & paste from said article in November, but I’m very positive that from now on my duties should leave enough time to finally write more contents here on the website. There’s so much I want to write about! A non-comprehensive list:

  • A general introduction of my PhD research and thesis contents.
  • An introduction of the novel methodologies I developed in the course of my dissertation. One of them is the topic of the aforementioned article in Transactions in GIS, and I’m planning on publishing a few others in journals as well.
  • Some contents about terrorism in Japan. This is also part of my PhD research, but I have a publication about this topic in mind as well.
  • More details about the bicycle project and the progress it has made over the past months.
  • An introduction about the hybrid movement data collection process I introduced in the second publication mentioned above.
  • An introduction of a new research project we have recently started at my lab (the academic year in Japan starts in April). This involves a lot of data analysis, so there should be some interesting applied contents here.
  • A number of other applied topics that came up during either my PhD research or one of the other research projects I’m involved in…

So please stay tuned and expect the contents of this website to expand seriously in the near future!

Some catching up to do…

It has been awfully quiet here on my website for the past three months or so. It’s not like I have nothing to write about – quite the opposite actually. The extended silence was mostly due to my concentrated efforts in finishing up my PhD thesis by the end of this month. Since unfortunately I had to face the bitter fact now that this will not be feasible, I allowed myself a few more months and shifted the deadline into spring 2014.

This will obviously not only give me time to finish properly what I have been working on for the past months and years, but it also means that I finally can spare some time for doing things “off the record” – one of them being finally going back to publish stuff here on this site. I have run across so many things that I would like to share, that there should (hopefully) be no shortage of posts to come.

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“Alles neu macht der Mai”…

… is a famous saying in Germany (where I’m from – in case you didn’t know). In English it’s “May gives birth to the fruits of April’s wet labor”, which sounds even nicer. The reason I’m writing this is that I decided to make some changes to this website. Oh, and because it’s May…

The first change is quite obvious, since I modified the layout of the site completely. The second change might be more subtle, as it’s about the contents of the site. Both are closely connected, as I will briefly explain below.

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