LMTTFY #1: Crime in Denver

With my background of spatial terrorism analysis I’m always very interested in the statistical analysis of crime data. Scott Stoltzman over at stoltzmaniac.com discovered a great data set by the City and County of Denver. It has data about all the criminal offenses in the City and County of Denver for the previous five calendar years plus the current year to date with plenty of attributes, timestamps and even geographic locations. Scott wrote a series of blog posts (starting here, then here, and here) showing some initial exploratory data analysis (ETA) in R and also some in-depth looks into a few topics that sparked his interest along the way. That’s exactly what Tableau wants to enable people to do, so with this first episode of “Let me tableau this for you” I want to show how easy it is to get to the same interesting insights Scott outlined in his write-up, only without all the coding. I’m not sure how long it took him to get from finding the data to generating all the plots in the article, but my guess would be it took longer than this ~20 minute screencast. Enjoy the video below, and please let us know in the comments section if you have anything to add. Please refer to the original post if you want to know more about the idea behind Let me tableau this for you (LMTTFY).


The Power of Vectorization in R

I have always been a great fan and avid user of databases. They’re just so versatile, efficient, easy to use, … I found this to be true for all kinds of data, small and large, high-dimensional and low-dimensional, spatial, temporal, you name it. It was only very recently that my data seemed to have outgrown my PostgreSQL database. Not so much in size, but rather in performance.

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