Some catching up to do…

It has been awfully quiet here on my website for the past three months or so. It’s not like I have nothing to write about – quite the opposite actually. The extended silence was mostly due to my concentrated efforts in finishing up my PhD thesis by the end of this month. Since unfortunately I had to face the bitter fact now that this will not be feasible, I allowed myself a few more months and shifted the deadline into spring 2014.

This will obviously not only give me time to finish properly what I have been working on for the past months and years, but it also means that I finally can spare some time for doing things “off the record” – one of them being finally going back to publish stuff here on this site. I have run across so many things that I would like to share, that there should (hopefully) be no shortage of posts to come.

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GIS & Spatial Analysis – “My” magazine on FlipBoard

I have been maintaining it for quite a while now, but it was only today that I found out that it can also be accessed outside its native app on the web: “my” magazine on FlipBoard.

GIS & Spatial Analysis - Flipboard

I called it GIS & Spatial Analysis, and that’s exactly what its contents is all about: I “flip” (that’s the FlipBoard lingo for sharing) everything in here I deem interesting and newsworthy from the world of digital maps, spatial data and spatial analysis. Sometimes it’s rather scientific contents, sometimes it’s just interesting or even going to make you smile. If you’re a map and GIS geek like me, that is…

Obviously it’s for free – so go ahead enjoy! The native app is available for iPad, iPhone, Android, Kindle Fire and NOOK – also for free.

“Alles neu macht der Mai”…

… is a famous saying in Germany (where I’m from – in case you didn’t know). In English it’s “May gives birth to the fruits of April’s wet labor”, which sounds even nicer. The reason I’m writing this is that I decided to make some changes to this website. Oh, and because it’s May…

The first change is quite obvious, since I modified the layout of the site completely. The second change might be more subtle, as it’s about the contents of the site. Both are closely connected, as I will briefly explain below.

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